Love Song the Beautiful Grey of Marysa

nar./born 16.9.2015
Otec: Gibson Roc'Eclair the Beautiful Grey of Marysa Matka: Dorian Gray's Ace of Diamonds Chovatel: Marie Moine, Francie
Chovný/ studdog 31,5 /33,5 cm Plnochrupý/all teeth PRCD - PRA - normal/clear by parents Luxace patella 0/0
Grand champion CZ
Champion CZ, Sk, Montenegro , Mediterranean, Lithuania
Champion ČMKU
Czech junior champion
Best in show
2x BISS -2
Junior european winner +JBOB
r.CAC-WDS 2017
r.CAC EDS 2019
Club winner
Best male on show
2x best dwarf poodle
Junior club champion KCHP
8x CACIB (CZ, Sk, MNE, LT)
2x best silver poodle on show
Best junior male on show PZV-jugendsieger 2016
2x best male of honour class
4x best puppy on show
BISS puppy PZV